Why go hiking?

As much as hiking is good for physical movement and exercise, there's something primal and honest about walking through the woods. Breathing in fresh air and looking at vegetation around soothes the mind, and the hard walking charges the body with oxygen and endorphins. 

Hiking allows people to briefly escape all that civilized life and return to a primordial environment free from our fast paced lives with complex decisions that we face everyday. When hiking, the decisions we make are reduced to binary ones - go forward vs. turn around, move faster vs. slow down or stop- which is a refreshing simplification of choice.

Getting this journey or adventure started, would require the proper footwear so as not to cause harm or injury to your exciting journey. We have found the perfect store who cares for your adventure. 

This is their site: http://www.kathmandu.com.au/

They have a wide range of hiking boots and a lot of great tips for outdoor activities all year round.

Good thing is they have a flash sale up to 40% of on selected products, but you have to hurry! Their sale ends on Sunday, November 6!

If ever you would need advise for any footwear, you can always visit our website, do an online booking or call us on 07 49425016 and we will be more than happy to become a part of the adventure awaiting you!

Why is your heel painful?

Have you ever felt your heel giving up on you? Feeling sore even when walking normally and slowly? 

Heel pain is a very common foot problem. It can be severe and sometimes disabling when not treated correctly and immediately. It is not caused by a single injury but rather not giving attention to the initial onset of pain due to repetitive stress and pounding of the heel. 

A lot of factors can contribute to the excruciating pain on the heel and early treatment should be considered so that it will not get worse. We can assess the severity of the condition using our expertise and specialized tools which are focused primarily on your needs. 

We don't want your heel pain slowing you down, give us a call or do an online booking on this website and we are more than happy to help!


How does footwear affect our daily lives?

Footwear can often be the cause of foot pain, it can also be the best treatment. Simple as it may seem, wearing the wrong footwear can cause tremendous pain and suffering. 

Women tend to experience more pain due to ill fitting footwear than men, due to the nature of employment requirements and the love of high heels. There is also that fascination to wear shoes that look fashionable, but may not fit properly. 

As a result, many adults wear shoes that are not appropriate for their foot shape and size. Wearing too small shoes puts greater risk for corns, bunions and other deformities that may require surgery to correct. Wearing loose shoes may not provide proper foot support causing leg or even back pain.

Choosing the right footwear will not only help our toes and feet feel comfortable but also lessen the chances of getting future foot problems. 

We can definitely help you determine the best shoe that perfectly fits!

Here is also a quick video on how to choose shoes when going to a shoe store. We hope this will be helpful the next time you shop for shoes!